09 March 2009

Songs of the week: Cat Power & Muse

Monica's Pick
Cat Power is kind of hit or miss for me. There are songs of hers that kind of blend into the background and don't strike a cord. Then there are songs where you have to stop what you're doing, close your eyes, and just listen. "Sea of Love" is one of those songs.

Alex's Pick
Anyone who knows me knows that I have an unhealthy relationship with Muse. Not one of those relationships where I will constantly shove songs and Muse-isms down your throat but pretty damn close. Maybe it's the anglophile in me but Muse makes amazing, larger than life songs which is why I thought it was appropriate that they were featured in The Watchmen trailer. This only makes me more excited to see the film.

Fun Fact: Matthew Bellamy wrote this song about Tony Blair.

1 comment:

Jackie said...

Monica: Thanks, now I'm on a Cat Power kick. =)


P.S. I know you don't know me, but Alex and I were classmates a while back. You guys are great, keep up the good work with the blog.