04 May 2009

Songs of the Week: Air & Incubus

Monica's Pick
I love Air. They're the perfect background music for taking a long drive or playing while you sleep to ensure beautiful dreams. They seep into your brain and make you feel...good. "La Femme d'Argent" is the best example of that.

Alex's Pick
Incubus has always been the type of music that made you feel wise beyond your years. *13 year old self* Papa Roach? No dear...I listen to Incubus. Brandon Boyd has always been one beautiful piece of eye candy and it's nice to see that he is not aging at all, still the beautiful man that I enjoyed watching shirtless. This song is just proof that they're not the type of band that we would love in middle school and move on from. They're here to stay.

Full song available here.

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