Alex O. and Monica
B. discuss winter vacation, The Real World: Brooklyn, and the douchebags that MTV inevitably introduce to the world.
Slackers never fails to make me smile.
B: Have you just been watching movies on your break?
A: That and Tyra, Ellen, The View and The Young and the Restless or One Life to Live. Can't remember which one. I go to the library when my mom comes home.
(Background: Poor Alex is currently in St. Petersberg, Fl with no cable television or internet and must go to the library to stay in touch with the rest of the world.)
B: Ew, The View. Did you see the new
Real World online?
A: I didn't feel like watching it. If it's semi-good I'll watch it. I plan on watching
Daddy's Girls. How was The Real World?
B: I didn't see it yet. It's gonna be on TV at 5ish. I heard good things. As long as there isn't another Sarah and Kim. I'll kill those bitches.
A: Uhh, is that the whole "don't get ghetto" thing? I don't remember names.
B: Yeah, basically.
A: I'm excited to see everyone's reaction to the he-she.
B: I heard two douches called her "it."
A: Oh man, now I have to watch.
B: I don't think they did it to her face though.
A: "I don't want to sleep in the room with it."
B: "It might rape me."
A: "Let's go have a protein shake."
B: "Let's get a fucking Red Bull, dude."
A: "You see that blonde girl over there? We're so gonna have sex tonight. She's gonna be all on my balls dude. My balls."
B: "In and around her mouth."
A: "Like a washing machine."